Ali Al-Tantawi Biography As if it were a handful from the land of the Levant, kneaded by the Nile and Euphrates rivers, the sun of the Arab desert waved it. That is the great scholar, the eminent jurist, and the suspicious writer Sheikh Ali Al-Tantawi, who the nation lost some time ago, to make a great indentation, which doubled our pain and bloodied our hearts. Sheikh Al-Tantawi was an intellectual force among the forces of the Islamic nation and a source from which seekers of knowledge and literature sprang from everywhere. “Have you heard of it? I had a weapon with which to fight in the battlements, and with which the cavalry stabbed me, and my weapon was my pen. I carried it for many years, with it I met the men, and with it I fought the heroes, so I return once with the cave of victory and return once to wipe the dust of failure from my face. A pen if you want it is a gift that grows from The flower splits, and perfume drops from it, and if you want it, you will smash the ro...
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